The Pre-school Childcare Assistant is concerned with providing care for infants and toddlers until they reach primary-school age.
A Pre-school Childcare Assistant’s primary duty is looking after infants and toddlers and taking care of their diet and safety. S/he ensures that the infants/toddlers follow a proper diet, keeps them clean and helps them improve their walking, kinetic and speech skills. S/he protects young children from accidents or other hazards in the day nursery/childcare centre area. S/he is responsible for the children’s physical and mental health, as well as their smooth development.
Additionally, under the guidance of and in collaboration with the pre-school/nursery teacher in charge, s/he offers parents advice and guidelines about the proper development and upbringing of their children.
The occupation of a Pre-school Childcare Assistant is demanding and requires very responsible work on the part of attentive and meticulous professionals, especially when they work with children with special needs.
The main personal traits needed are love for children, patience, responsibility, consistency, creativity and imaginativeness, as well as composure and ability to follow rules and instructions.
Upon graduating, Pre-school Childcare Assistants are able to:
The Pre-school Childcare Assistant can be employed in:
Pre-school Childcare Assistants work in day nurseries/pre-school childcare centres, where the overall environment is very pleasant, and are in constant contact with the children they look after. Contracting viruses and diseases from young children is a very common phenomenon among Pre-school Childcare Assistants. Pre-school Childcare Assistants work individually but also in groups when collaborating with other professionals working in the same place.
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Learn moreMore information about the occupation "PRE-SCHOOL CHILDCARE ASSISTANT" can be found by clicking on the button below.
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