The Multimedia Graphic Designer possesses the skills to create and refine graphic elements for multimedia offerings, while continuously refreshing and updating the content.
Graphic designers need to be creative thinkers. They have to creatively convey ideas through text and images. They have to generate solutions for their clients through creative means. Among the other traits, we could mention:
Upon graduating, the MGD is able to:
Employment of graphic designers is projected to grow constantly in the next decade. In general, graphic designers have three work possibilities when it comes to employment: freelance, In-house or agency.
The multimedia graphic designer tends to work indoors in a studio where s/he has access to computers and relevant software. Some multimedia graphic designers work independently, whereas others work within a design team. Positions related to this occupation profile require important team working skills, as collaborations with colleagues and clients is often necessary. Multimedia graphic designers work normally on projects, which means that their schedules depend on project-specific deadlines and workloads.
Not required.
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