The functions of this employment are wide. The functions can go from working as an informant in a Tourist Information Centre or Tourist
Concurrency Points (giving response to the needs and doubts of the tourists) to working as a receptionist in a hotel (giving response to needs and doubts of the tourists as well as administrative daily work).
The main required skills are to have the good communicative and sociable ability, a proper aptitude for administration as well as office automation, and finally a good domain of different languages.
Concerning the working conditions, the administrative staff normally work a full-time schedule and have temporary contracts. It is a seasonal market. Most job offers are concentrated on the coast and city capitals.
The requested training for administrative staff is a university degree in Tourism or Hotel Management or an average degree in Administration and Finance. It is useful to have the official certificates of the different languages (it is always better when the levels are high). Administrative staff job offers usually demand a minimum of experience in the sector. Even so, no specific licenses are needed to execute this job.
Administrative staff with knowledge of different languages is under the EQF level 5 category.
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