
For Businesses

Youth unemployment is one of the main economic and social challenges for many EU member states, including Greece, Spain and Italy, all countries of the European South. Companies/employers can play an active role in better preparing pupils, students and graduates for their future careers, thus contributing to their smooth transition from education to employment.

The AppInterN online platform aims to: strengthen the links between VET providers and enterprises by inviting businesses and employers to offer apprenticeships and jobs to students and graduates; contribute to the exchange of information on the current labour market state of play, skill requirements in each occupation, as well as occupational/sectoral developments (including such key issues as upskilling and reskilling).

The AppInterN online platform hosts three national Career Hubs (Greek, Italian, and Spanish). Each Career Hub (CH) aims to bring VET students and graduates closer to labour market stakeholders and employers.

The Career Hubs will help VET students and graduates to improve their competences and skills by offering them career guidance and information on specific events of interest (seminars, information events, study visits, presentations, job fairs, etc.), supporting their contact and cooperation with employers and other labour market stakeholders, and ultimately facilitating the search for schools, students and graduates for apprenticeships, internships or job offers.

All three national CHs will be interconnected within the AppInterN transnational online platform, thus informing all users about developments and good practices in the three partner countries.

Each national Career Hub includes a database of employers and business ambassadors which will allow employer associations, Chambers and individual companies to join the Career Hub and connect with VET institutions, students and graduates by exchanging information on apprenticeships and labour supply and demand.

A particularly innovative aspect of the project is the introduction of a new intermediary role, that of the “Business Ambassadors”. Business Ambassadors are established professionals, employers or other business staff members who are willing to inform and advise students and graduates on current labour market needs and trends, professional “problem solving”, business development prospects, etc., thus demonstrating both their personal and their companies’ active interest in implementing activities in support of VET.

Therefore, companies and productive sectors are provided with the professional profiles required at all times, taking into account the competitiveness of companies, the qualifications of workers, their flexibility, adaptability, versatility and transversality.

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