The project “Apprenticeship Inter-Network: Bringing together VET institutions and enterprises through a network of Career Hubs” (AppInterN) primarily aims at strengthening the links between Apprenticeship, VET and SMEs by encouraging employers to offer apprenticeships, internships and jobs to VET students and graduates.
AppInterN also aims at providing relevant labour market information (at both national and international level), as well as information about skill requirements in each occupation and occupational sector, placing particular emphasis on such crucial activities as re-skilling and upskilling. Thus, it effectively highlights the key role employers have to play in preparing VET students and graduates for their future careers.
The project’s focal point is the online portal “Apprenticeship Inter-Network”, which hosts and interconnects three national Career Hubs: the Greek, Italian and Spanish ones. Each Career Hub is intended to facilitate VET students and graduates in searching for apprenticeships, internships, and jobs by using the respective AppInterN databases.
Moreover, AppInterN is aimed at supporting the development of the VET students and graduates’ competences and skills through coaching, seminars, presentations, workshops, workplace visits etc.
Thus, it ensures their effective communication and cooperation with employers, Business Ambassadors and other labour market representatives, as well as their familiarization with important aspects of each occupational sector.
Finally, what is particularly noteworthy is the contribution of municipal authorities, VET-related bodies, and social partner institutes to the operation of the Career Hubs, given that they will invite local enterprises and employers to participate in the aforementioned databases and come in direct contact with apprentices, trainees, interns and VET graduates as their future colleagues or employees.
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