A computer scientist has the function of solving informatic problems and mismatches as well as adapting them to new advances by applying innovative technological systems.
The required skills are a good knowledge of software licenses, a proper domain of programming as well as knowing how to work correctly with different operative systems. It is also valued to speak languages, especially English. And finally, the qualities of logical thinking, patience, and confidence are a plus in this sector.
Concerning the working conditions, this sector tends to have full-time schedules, even though the workload is not very intense. Most jobs in this sector are externalized by the company, so they work through subcontracting agreements.
The required training to become a computer scientist is an average or higher degree in Computer Science. Another option is to take specialized courses on Micro informatic Systems and Net technicians, Artificial Intelligence and Bid Data technicians, etc. Finally, another possibility is to course a university degree in Computer Science and Engineering.
In general terms, there is no specific license needed to work as a computer scientist although there are specific licenses that are required depending on the informatic programs and software needed for a specific job.
It is one of the professions with the highest employment rate. This sector of the market has been increasing throughout the last few years at a very high rate. The prospection is to keep growing and rise even more the employability rates. Even though there are many labor opportunities in this sector, there is still a remarkable lack of ICT experts.
Computer scientist/specialist is under the EQF level 5 category.
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