Hotel Room Service Specialist

Job Description

The main function of this employment is to clean and arrange hotel rooms, including furniture, bedding, bathrooms, etc.

The necessary skills for developing these functions are good organizational capacity, good physical condition, and knowledge about cleaning products as well as how to use them correctly.

Normally, the common working conditions for room staff are predominantly part-time work and temporal, in some cases with the possibility of an indefinite-term contract. Time flexibility and the ability to deal with a high amount of work in a short time, are key competence for this job. It is useful to be capable of dealing with high levels of stress and to have a good working rhythm.

Necessary training and employment licenses

There is no required training nor specific license to work as Room Staff but having previous experience in the sector is always appreciated. It it is always valued to have studied the courses of Accommodation and Laundry or Accommodation Management.

Labour market’s state-of-play and future prospects

Nowadays, the state of this sector of the labor market is improving, considering the effects of the COVID-19 crisis in the hostelry sector. Approximately, 30% of employees who work in hotels and apartments are room Staff, so it is a representative occupation in the hostelry sector.

Looking ahead, the incrementation and growth of this occupation are expected, due to the re-rise of tourism and the return of all on-site labor activities. The reactivation of tourism after the pandemic causes huge labor mobility as well as an increase in hotel reservations. For this reason, next 2022, the salary is expected to have a 3% increase.

EQF level

Room Staff is under the EQF level 1 category.

List of Apprenticeship/VET Schools in Spain which provide education and/or training

  • Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Compostela
  • Instituto de Educación Secundaria Salvador Távora
  • Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional de Hostelería y Turismo de Gijón
  • Instituto de Educación Secundaria La Malladeta
  • Instituto de Educación Secundaria Blas Infante

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