Personal Técnico De Comercio

Descripción del puesto

The main function of this employment is to execute and develop commercial action plans to promote touristic products and services. In small organizations, this occupation may be helpful in the administration and management areas.

The needed skills for this employment are communicative and persuasive abilities. A good capacity for interaction with clients is also important. Knowledge of different languages is always useful and valued.

Regarding the working conditions, the salary normally increases after years of experience. In terms of working hours, almost all positions offer full-time work. Hiring tends to be indefinite, and in-house training is usually offered. The demand for this occupation is concentrated in the coastal zones and city capitals.

Formación necesaria y licencias de empleo

One option regarding the required qualifications is a university degree in either Business Administration and Finance, Tourism, and Hostelry, or Sociology and Anthropology.

Another option is coursing a higher-level training cycle in Hostelry and Tourism, Commerce Technician, or Selling Management and Commercial Spaces. Some organizations also demand specialized postgraduate degree training.

There are no specific employment licenses required for this occupation although it is highly recommended to acquire a driving license.

Estado del mercado laboral y prospección de futuro

The labor market’s state has been strongly affected by the Covid pandemic but in the last few months, it has experienced a notorious increase, given the reactivation of the commercial sector.

Furthermore, it is an occupation that has adapted easily to the new realities and advances of this time, and this has had a positive effect on the market’s State. A remarkable prospect in this sector is related to the increase in employability due to the raise of tourism as a worldwide trend.

Nowadays, most hiring opportunities are concentrated in the coastal zones and city capitals.

Nivel EQF

Commerce/trade technician is under the EQF level 4 category.

Lista de Centros de Aprendizaje/FP que proporcionan educación y/o formación

  • MEDAC Instituto Oficial de Formación Profesional
  • INF Instituto Numancia Formación
  • Salesians St. Vicenç dels Horts
  • CEU- Instituto Superior de Estudios Profesionales de Madrid
  • Centro Público Integrado de Formación Profesional Los Enlaces

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